Relieve Your Stress

Stressed woman on the couch feeling burnt out – Calm Your Mind Counselling

Many people believe they are coping well when they are actually suppressing their stress or engaging in unhealthy coping strategies.

Everyone experiences some degree of stress throughout their lifetime. Stress typically results from external factors, both negative and positive, that occur in an individual's life. Sometimes stress allows us to function and perform at our best. In contrast, long-term stress can cause physical and psychological impairments that can impact daily functioning and lead to burnout.

Through counselling, you will be able to identify the source of your stress and understand where the source of stress is originating from. Through exploration, you may decide that it is best to eliminate the source of stress altogether. For example, this might mean leaving a toxic work environment. 

In some instances, it may not be possible to remove the source of stress. Through our counselling sessions, you can begin to develop coping strategies to help reduce and manage stress in a healthier way. 

Does the following sound familiar?

Stressed young adult male with hands over his head – Calm Your Mind Counselling

Symptoms you might be experiencing when you are feeling stressed:

  • Difficulty concentrating or increased forgetfulness 

  • Unable to fall asleep or stay asleep

  • Frequent headaches, heart palpitations/chest pain, muscle tension, digestive issues 

  • Difficulty managing relationships

  • Feeling anxious

I work with a variety of people who are experiencing stress in similar situations. Through the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, you can develop a new outlook on your situation. We will explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours in order to help you regain control of your life, reduce the physical and psychological symptoms and incorporate effective strategies to cope with the stress.

In addition to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, we can use mindfulness techniques and self-care practices to help calm your mind and improve your functioning. 

Counselling For Stress Can Help

Stress is caused by a variety of situations and reactions to these situations vary from person to person. 

Are you overwhelmed trying to manage work and home life responsibilities?

Returning from work after a long period of time, work-life balance, making time for family, managing new responsibilities, not having enough hours in the day

Do you struggle to manage stressors in the workplace 

Toxic culture, not having the resources to do your job properly or an unsupportive manager?

Are you experiencing changes in your life that are making you feel stressed?

A recent separation, a new relationship, changes at work, loss of a loved one

Do you have an upcoming big event that is making you feel overwhelmed?

Buying a new home, getting married, starting a new job, graduating

Let’s Discuss How I Help With Your Stress and Burnout

Stress and burnout counselling can help you learn coping strategies to help reduce the stress in your life. Receive a free 15-minute consultation to discuss what concerns you and the outcomes working together can provide. I am here to support you.