Interpersonal Relationships

Group of friends spending time together at the beach – Calm Your Mind Counselling

You may have learned unhealthy relational patterns growing up within your family or social environment. Early attachment patterns influence how we interact with each other as we grow up and throughout our lives. 

Relationships can be further strained when someone is experiencing mental health and/or substance use difficulties.  Many people feel as though they are lacking the skills to identify and address unhealthy relational patterns and want to learn how to build meaningful connections with others. 

Having difficulty within relationships is one of the most common reasons people seek out counselling support. Relationships are central to the human experience and we need positive connections with others in order to thrive. Many people attend counselling to help address intimate partner relationships, complicated family dynamics and strained peer or workplace relationships. 

We can work towards rebuilding important relationships and/or recovering from relationship breakdown or loss.

Does the following sound familiar?

If any of these statements sound true to you, know that you are not alone. Counselling provides a space for you to talk freely about your relationships. Healthy relationships are built on honesty, trust, mutual respect, open communication/conflict resolution and the establishment of boundaries.

Man and woman in health relationship – Calm Your Mind Counselling
  • You have trouble communicating with your partner, and when you do, it usually ends in an argument

  • Do you find yourself gravitating to the same types of unhealthy relationships?

  • Are you a people pleaser who sacrifices your wishes for others?

  • Do you allow others to make decisions for you? 

  • Are you having a hard time regulating your emotions?

  • Do your opinions or thoughts seem to be ignored or unvalued by others?

  • Do you become defensive or have passive-aggressive tendencies?

  • Do you find it difficult to move forward after a breakup or loss in a relationship?

Relationship Counselling Can Help

Reconnect With Yourself

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our relationships that we lose a sense of who we are and what is important to us. Reconnecting with yourself by exploring your values, needs, wants and desires can help you regain some clarity and find your voice so that you can navigate healthy relationships. Through our work together, you will begin to shift negative beliefs/thoughts to a more positive view of yourself. 

Intimate Partner Relationships

Intimate partner relationships require a lot of effort and attention in order to remain strong. During our sessions together, we can help you to improve your relationship with your partner by giving you the tools to ensure you maintain open communication and resolve conflict in an effective way that fosters trust and mutual respect. You can also learn how to implement boundaries to help ensure that both you and your partner’s needs are met. 


Infidelity creates upheaval, confusion, distress and uncertainty for the individuals involved. You might be trying to decide if you should stay and repair the relationship or if you should move on from the relationship. During our time together, we can help you to explore your thoughts and emotions so that you can make a rational decision that feels right to you. 

Unhealthy or Abusive Relationship

Leaving an unhealthy or abusive relationship is often not easy. This type of relationship can take a toll on your mental and physical health as well as your sense of self-worth. You may have strong emotional ties, financial restraints and/or fear of retaliation/consequences. Our counselling sessions can help you process your experiences, gain clarity, move forward and avoid similar relationships in the future. 

Break-up, Separation and Divorce

Relationship breakdown, separation and/or divorce can lead to a variety of feelings such as anger, rejection, sadness, loneliness, grief and loss.  Our work together will help you identify and understand your emotions. Together we can develop coping strategies to help deal with the pain and develop a plan for the future.

Family Relationships

Family can bring a sense of unity, security and support. However, it can also be complicated and a source of stress, conflict, instability and insecurity. We can explore your family dynamics so that you can begin to identify various relationships within the family and recognize patterns of behaviour. We cannot change the behaviours or actions of your family members, but we can help you to set boundaries and learn how to respond to situations in a different way. 


Relationships in the workplace play an important role in our daily lives. Sometimes we might feel as though we are being taken advantage of, disrespected or our input is not valued. Our work can include learning how to improve communication, resolve conflict and develop assertiveness skills to help you navigate the workplace. We can also explore ways to identify and address bullying and harassment/sexual harassment in the workplace.

Let’s Discover How
Relationship Counselling Can Help

Relationship counselling can make a big difference in your life. Receive a free 15-minute consultation to discuss what is concerning you and the outcomes working together can provide. I am here to support you.