Manage Your Anxiety

Anxious woman on the couch with legs tucked in – Calm Your Mind Counselling

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues people are experiencing today.

Anxiety creates a sense of nervousness, fear and worry. It can be related to a specific situation or it can be more general and associated with everyday living. Some degree of anxiety is beneficial as it can alert you to a dangerous situation and help you navigate it. However, when feelings of anxiety are not based on actual danger, they can interfere with day-to-day living. 

I work with individuals who are experiencing anxious thoughts and feelings and want to change. I provide support to individuals with or without a formal diagnosis such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It is important to note that, in some instances, medication prescribed by your physician may be necessary in addition to counselling to help treat the symptoms. 

It is my hope to be able to assist you in overcoming your anxiety and learning how to manage your anxious thoughts. Together we will help you change your thought patterns, and use the skills you have learned to move forward in life with a more optimistic outlook.

Does the following sound familiar?

Woman in a sweater on the beach looking out at the ocean - Calm Your Mind Counselling
  • Negative thoughts and views

  • Focused on trying to control the future

  • Getting lost in the past and having difficulty moving forward

  • Avoiding people, places or situations that trigger anxiety

  • Difficulty concentrating on everyday tasks

  • Unable to fall asleep or stay asleep

  • Rapid breathing, heart palpitations/chest pain, digestive issues 

  • Panic attacks or phobias

Through the use of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, we will begin by exploring your background, core beliefs/automatic thoughts about yourself and how they are contributing to your anxiety. We can look at how these thoughts and behaviours may not serve you well.

You will be provided with techniques and activities to help you shift your thoughts so that you can live the life you want with less anxiety. 

In addition to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, we can use mindfulness techniques and self-care practices to help calm your mind and improve your functioning. 

Anxiety Counselling Can Help

Improve Emotional Regulation

Anxiety causes individuals to operate on high alert, which can interfere with your ability to manage your emotions effectively. When you are in a heightened state, you are more likely to overreact or have difficulty controlling your reactions to situations. Our work together will be geared towards reducing your stress and tension so that you are equipped to manage your emotions.

Reduce Isolation and Improve Relationships

Anxiety can lead to increased isolation and loneliness. Individuals with anxiety may be so overwhelmed by anxious thoughts or phobias that they withdraw from family, friends and/or community. Together we will address your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so that you are able to overcome your anxiety and become more involved with your loved ones and community.

Reduce Physical Symptoms

The mind and body operate as one, oftentimes, our bodies alert us to the fact that something is not right. You will have an opportunity to learn about various relaxation techniques, breathing exercises and grounding practices to help calm the physical sensations you may be experiencing.

Calm Your Mind

Navigating life and feeling on high alert can begin to take a toll on your mental well-being. Our work will include learning how to identify the triggers and understand how those triggers impact you on a daily basis. You will have an opportunity to learn how to restructure your thoughts so that you can look at situations through a different lens.

Let’s Discuss How To Manage Your Anxiety

Anxiety counselling can help you develop the skills you need to move forward positively. Receive a free 15-minute consultation to discuss what is concerning you and the outcomes working together can provide. I am here to support you.