Childhood Trauma

Traumatized adult male looking out the window – Calm Your Mind Counselling

Many adults who experienced childhood trauma develop insecure attachment patterns.

Insecure attachment patterns occur because a child’s caregiver was often emotionally unavailable, unpredictable and neglectful of their needs.

Many times, children do not learn the skills necessary to regulate their emotions, calm themselves, problem solve and develop healthy social connections

Childhood trauma may have led to a distressing experience where you may have felt fearful and powerless within a relationship or environment as a child. As an adult, this trauma can alter how you perceive, interpret, and respond to the world around you. 

During our time together, we will focus on improving your overall well-being. Our work will be geared towards helping you gain more awareness and a deeper understanding of the connection between past experiences and current thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

My aim is to help you improve your sense of self and overall quality of life by implementing healthy coping strategies. In addition, I can also help you to either maintain and/or improve relationships with others. You will always have control and choice over what and how much you disclose during our time together.

Does the following sound familiar?

A withdrawn woman leaning on a wall looking sad – Calm Your Mind Counselling

Childhood Trauma Symptoms:

  • Avoiding people or places that bring you back to an unpleasant experience

  • Feeling anxious or on high alert that something bad will happen

  • Having difficulty regulating your emotions and connecting with others

  • Engaging in negative self-talk and having low self-esteem 

  • Feeling shame or blaming yourself

  • Having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

  • Difficulty concentrating on daily tasks 

  • Blocking or pushing down feelings or an overall sense of feeling numb 

  • Intrusive thoughts/nightmares that cause you to relive traumatic experiences

It is possible to feel better and imagine a life where you could... 

  • Build your confidence to put yourself in places you once avoided

  • Learn how to form healthy relationships and connect with others

  • Develop a positive outlook on life and increase your self-esteem

  • Regain control of your life

  • Move beyond the feeling of being stuck in unhealthy patterns of living

  • Gain an understanding of how your traumatic experiences have impacted you

  • Acquire the skills/tools to help calm your mind 

Types of Childhood Trauma

Child Abuse

Child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) during your formative years, alters a child’s sense of safety and security and can ultimately leave an individual feeling vulnerable. Together we can process your early experiences, help you better understand your attachment patterns and how those patterns influence your ability to connect with others. We can help you reconnect with yourself by exploring your feelings and ultimately work towards improving your sense of self worth. Let's transform your childhood resilience into your present day strengths.


Childhood neglect occurs when caregivers fail to respond to a child's emotional and/or physical needs.  Neglect can lead to feelings of worthlessness, inability to manage emotions and mental health difficulties.  Years of suppressing feelings/emotions can lead to difficulties with expressing emotions. Together we can process your early experiences, improve your sense of self-worth, identify your strengths and help you develop tools to manage relationships moving forward. 


Fear of abandonment often stems from childhood loss related to the loss of a caregiver by way of death, divorce/separation or your caregiver may have experienced personal difficulties and was unable to provide care to you. You may be left feeling anxious, ashamed, unable to trust and/or feel as though you do not matter. You can begin to name your experience, process your thoughts and feelings, recognize that you are not to blame and work towards building healthy relationships.

Witnessing or Experiencing Family Violence

Witnessing domestic violence can impact an individual just as much as experiencing abuse firsthand. Observing violence in the home creates an environment that lacks safety and security which interferes with one's ability to formulate trust. This can leave you feeling as though you are walking on eggshells because you never know what to expect. Together we can begin to explore your experiences, as well as the dynamics between those that engaged in the violent/abusive behaviour. You can gain a better understanding around what was happening and learn how to change unhealthy relational patterns that you may have learned.  

Let’s Discuss How I Can Help With Childhood Trauma

Childhood Trauma Counselling can make a big difference in your life by strengthening your resiliency and sense of self and overall quality of life by implementing healthy coping strategies. Receive a free 15-minute consultation to discuss what is concerning you and the outcomes working together can provide. I am here to support you.